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"4th Wave" State of Emergency Measures ~Protecting Everybody from COVID-19 Variants~ (Extract)

"4th Wave" State of Emergency Measures

~Protecting Everybody from COVID-19 Variants~




April 23rd 2021

COVID-19 Infection Measures Headquarters

Gifu Prefectural Government



  1. I.                   The proportion of infections in Gifu Prefecture being of new variants is "62%"; this has seen a sudden increase.

The number of new infections within Gifu Prefecture has been slowly tending upwards, and due to the sudden increase in the proportion of new variants, it seems possible that a "sudden surge in infections" and an associated "strain on hospital facilities" could be a realistic possibility.


  1. II.                 Both young people and elderly people cannot escape from the effects of COVID-19.

Young People

Many instances both in Japan and overseas have been reported of young people struggling with after-effects of COVID-19 such as "strong feelings of tiredness and loss of energy", "trouble sleeping", "loss of taste/smell" and "loss of hair".

Elderly People

The death rate for elderly people aged over 70 within Gifu Prefecture is 13.8%, which is extremely high.


  1. III.              Be Careful in your Behaviour and Thoroughly Avoid the 3 Cs During the Long Holiday Period !


  1. IV.             Period of Measures

The period from April 26th (Monday) until May (11th).


※ Going forward, extra measures will be considered without hesitation if necessary.


"4th Wave State of Emergency Measures" (Extract)

April 23rd 2021

COVID-19 Infection Measures Headquarters

Gifu Prefectural Government







Thorough Observance of "New Behaviour Guidelines"


First, "continue to thoroughly implement basic infection prevention measures (the wearing of masks, hand hygiene and avoidance of the three Cs)".

These measures can also help to prevent infection with the currently increasing new variants.



(1)               Exercise careful caution with regard to "eating & drinking", "outings" and "travel between prefectures" regardless of the time of day.

・  Eating & drink quickly, avoiding heavy drinking & loud voices, and wear masks.

Maintain caution even with your family or partner. Avoid large groups.

Avoid "non-urgent and unnecessary travel between Prefectures".

・  In particular, avoid or postpone travel to regions where States of Emergency have been declared and districts where special measures are being implemented to prevent the further spread of infections (Kansai, Kanto, Aichi Prefecture etc.). (Business as well)



(2)              Thoroughly observe infection prevention measures at events in the long holiday period

< Eating & drinking, karaoke >

・  Avoid eating with large groups of friends and/or relatives.

・  Avoid "barbecues" including indoor events.

・  Forbidding of drinking of alcohol in large groups on streets and in parks.

・  For "karaoke", where the risk of transmission via droplets is high, wear a mask. If you cannot, then avoid karaoke.



(Reference)Following on is the same information as was provided separately.

・  Demand for eating & drinking businesses to shorten their operating hours in accordance with Article 24 Section 9 of the Special Measures Law.


Targeted Businesses:

① Eating & Drinking Businesses

・  Eating & drinking businesses (including izakayas), cafes etc.

  ② Recreational Facilities

・  Business branches such as bars, karaoke boxes etc., which have received operating permission in accordance with the Food Sanitation Law.

Demand Contents:

Shortening of operating hours to from 5:00AM to 20:00

   (Serving of alcohol hours shortening to from 11:00AM until 19:00)       

Targeted Areas: The following 9 cities, determined by their situation with regards to new infections and variants of COVID-19.

                     Gifu, Ogaki, Tajimi, Seki, Mino-kamo, Toki, Kakamigahara, Kani & Mizuho Cities

Demand Period:  from April 26th (Mon) until May 11th (Tues) (16 days)

Compliance Fund:  the following amount per day:

Per Business Branch:

Small & Medium Businesses:  25,000 - 75,000 yen

Large Businesses:            Reduction in daily sales x 0.4

(Upper limit of 200,000 yen per day. Small & medium businesses can also choose this option.)

  Payments will only be paid to those complying for the entire period.

However, closures starting on the 27th or the 28th will be recognized.

 In that case, an amount calculated for 15 days or 14 days

will be paid respectively.

・  We are also asking for cooperation with shortenings of operating hours etc. from other business sectors as well.


Targeted Facilities & Demand Contents

Targeted Facilities

Demand Contents

Exercise facilities & amusement areas

・Shortening of operating hours

  To from 5:00AM to 20:00

    (Serving of alcohol shortened to from 11:00AM to 19:00)

・ Upper limit of capacity of 5,000 people and less than 50% of capacity.

Theatres, galleries, movie theaters and performance venues

Gathering venues, public halls & exhibition centers

Museums, art museums & libraries

Hotels & ryokans (only the parts used for gatherings)

Entertainment facilities facilities (those facilities which do not receive operating permission in accordance with the Food Sanitation Law)

Business branches with a floor area greater than 1,000㎡ selling goods (excluding daily necessities)

・Shortening of operating hours to from 5:00AM to 20:00

(Serving of alcohol shortened to from 11:00AM to 19:00)

Business branches with floor area greater than 1,000㎡ offering services (excluding services necessary for daily life)

Demand Period: from April 26th (Mon) to May 11th (Tues) (16 days)

Targeted Area: Same as the area for eating & drinking businesses