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(2024.04.17) |
自然災害に関して、「地震」なら英語の語彙である「earthquake」を使いますが、「台風」又は「津波」は日本語の語彙が使われています。英語で、台風は「typhoon」になります。「ph」の発音は「f」のようになります。それで、発音は「タイフウン」です。なぜ最後の「n・ン」がある理由がわかりません!直接翻訳すると、「台風」は「tidal wave」になります。「tidal」は名詞の「tide」を形容詞としたもので、日本語で「潮流」という意味です。「wave」は「波」という意味です。日本人にとって当たり前かもしれませんが、潮流は津波の原因と全然繋がっていませんね。津波は地震が原因で起こります。「tidal wave」を使えば、原因である「地震」という意味が無くなってしまいます。そのため、直訳ではなく、日本語の語彙である「津波」を使う方がいいと思います。英語のニュースではずっと「津波」が使われています。英語の発祥地であるイギリスは、自然災害があまりありません。地震、津波、台風でさえありません。一般的に冬の時期に「暴風」が発生しますが、基本的に、日本の台風より弱いです。イギリスの「暴風」も名前がつけられます。毎年、冬の始まりから終わりまで、アルファベットのAからZまで順に名付けます。もちろん、Zまで名前がつけられたということは聞いたことがありません。私の人生で一度もありません。例年EかFまでだと感じます。日本とイギリスには四季があります。日本なら、台風の季節は8月~9月ですが、イギリスの暴風は一般的には10月~2月の冬の間です。1英語では「hurricane」と「cyclone」の単語もあります。「hurricane」、「cyclone」、「typhoon」の3種類の強い暴風はだいたい同じですが、どこで発生するか次第で、語彙の使い方が異なります。南太平洋またはインド洋の地域の場合、英語で「cyclone」を使います。東太平洋と大西洋(北米と南米)の場合なら、「hurricane」が使われます、西太平洋(日本)の地域の場合は、「typhoon」と言います。そのため、英語のニュースで日本の地域で発生した暴風と報じる場合は、日本語の外来語を使っています。
A couple of months back, I wrote a blog post about "wasei-eigo", quasi-loanwords from English used in Japanese that have different meanings compared to the original English. Aside from these "wasei-eigo" words, there are many English loanwords used in Japanese which have the same meaning in English and Japanese and being a native English speaker who learnt Japanese as a third language, these words can be very useful and stood out to me immediately when I began learning Japanese over 6 years ago. Something I had never really taken the time to consider however, was the opposite; words originally from Japanese that have migrated into the English language. Recently, I saw in the news that 23 new words from Japanese have been added into the Oxford English Dictionary, and while these 23 words are not the first Japanese words to be used in English, it did act as a catalyst to get me thinking about what other Japanese words we've been using in the UK. So, I will now introduce some of these words, and whether their usage or meaning differs from the original Japanese.
Karaoke is originally from Japan, and so we use the Japanese word in English. Although, karaoke in Japan and in western countries is quite different, as Japanese karaoke is done in smaller rooms rather than in an entire venue. In Japan you go to karaoke with a group of friends or even solo, and rent a room for a specific amount of time. You all go into the room and choose songs to sing, and you can also order drinks and food to your room. On the other hand, karaoke in Britain would be done in a bar or other type of venue, and you'd put your name down to sing a specific song, then you go up onto the stage and sing in front of a room of people, most of whom are probably strangers. In short, western karaoke isn't for shy people! I much prefer Japanese karaoke as it is a great way to have fun with your friends and sing some of your favourite songs. I have seen Japanese-style karaoke rooms in big cities in the UK, but they are rare and pretty expensive, so hopefully in the future they'll become more widespread. The pronunciation of the word "karaoke" in Japanese is different from how we pronounce it in English. While in English we say "carry-oh-key", in Japanese it's more like "ka-ra-oh-kay" with 4 distinct syllables. If you translate it directly, in Japanese karaoke means "empty orchestra".
Different Japanese martial arts have also become widespread in Britain, and are a popular hobby, so these have also become Japanese loanwords we use in English. Namely, karate, jujitsu and judo are popular. Again, the original Japanese pronunciation differs from how we pronounce it, as in English karate becomes "kara-tee" while in Japanese it's "ka-ra-teh". Jujitsu would be directly romanised as "Jujutsu" with the first syllable having an extended "u" sound. Judo is the most similar to the original Japanese word, although both vowels are extended in Japanese so longer than the way we say it in English. Karate has the same "kara" as karaoke, and directly translated means "empty hand", since it is a form of defence where no weapon is needed, so in that sense someone doing karate is literally empty-handed. Not only Japanese martial arts are popular in Britain, as martial arts from all over the world have become popular hobbies, for example Korean taekwondo.
In every British newspaper you will probably find sudoku in the same section as the crossword and other puzzles. I'd never realised sudoku was a Japanese word, but now that I do know it seems obvious! Interestingly, in Japanese there's a "wasei-eigo" word, "number place" which also means sudoku, that does not exist in English.
When discussing extreme weather events and natural disasters, there are two common words in English that come from Japanese. Japan has a lot of natural disasters and is probably most known for the many earthquakes that occur here. In Japanese, earthquake is "jishin", which directly translates to earthquake. While we don't use the word "jishin" in English, we do use typhoon and tsunami, both of which come from Japanese. Tsunami is the same in Japanese, while the Japanese word for typhoon would be spelt as "typhoo" if it were the same as the Japanese pronunciation, or would be romanised as "taifu". Typhoons are a type of tropical storm, the sort that we don't experience in Britain and even though we do have storms which normally occur during winter, they're not as severe as tropical storms. The Japanese typhoon season is around August/ September, at the end of summer while the majority of British storms occur from October to February. In Japan typhoons are given numbers counting up from the first typhoon of the year, while in Britain, like in many other countries, we name our storms. The name of the first storm of the winter season will start with A, and then the names will be given based on the alphabet, often reaching E or F (although they've reached K this year!). There are two other words in English that are used to describe tropical storms, those being cyclone and hurricane. Regarding the difference between the three words, cyclone is used for storms in the south Pacific or the Indian Ocean, hurricane is used for storms in the eastern Pacific and Atlantic Ocean (storms in the Americas) and typhoon is used for storms in the western Pacific, the region Japan is in. So, if there is a tropical storm in Japan or around this region, in English we refer to it as a typhoon, and it will be reported in the news as a typhoon. The other natural disaster-related Japanese loanword we use in English, tsunami, the English-origin phrase sometimes used is tidal wave. However, arguably this is not the most accurate way to describe a tsunami, given that they have nothing to do with tides and are caused by earthquakes. The literal translation of "tsunami" would be "port/ harbour wave".
We use the word futon in English usually to describe a spare bed, often a fold-up mattress that we put on the floor if a guest is coming to stay. It can also be used to describe a sofa bed. Actual Japanese futons differ from the ones we have in the west, and their usage differs too. The futon is a traditional Japanese bed made to go directly on top of traditional tatami mat flooring, so you are essentially sleeping on the floor. They're made to be put away during the day and taken out just for the nighttime. It's made up of the base mattress, a blanket and a pillow, whereas in English the word "futon" would just be used to describe the mattress itself rather than every component. Of course, Japanese people may opt for beds and mattresses and not all Japanese apartments have tatami flooring these days. If you visit Japan and stay in a traditional ryokan inn, you may sleep on a futon bed in a tatami room. It does seem as though Japanese-style minimalist home décor has become more popular in Britain, for example the kind the Japanese brand Muji sells.
As with futons, actual Japanese kimono and what we may describe as a "kimono" in English differs. In Japanese, "kimono" literally means "thing you wear", and in the past such traditional clothing was worn in everyday Japanese life, although nowadays they are most commonly worn for ceremonies such as graduation or coming of age day. They are complicated garments with different levels of formality and different components, the most notable of which is the obi sash which is like a belt, and there are special socks (tabi) and sandals (zori) worn with a kimono. Many people from outside Japan have probably seen pictures on social media or even in tourism promotions of people wearing pretty patterned kimono, and it is common for tourists to rent kimono in Kyoto's traditional Gion district. While people have probably heard of kimono, fewer people in the west have heard of another main item of traditional Japanese clothing, the "yukata". Yukata are like casual summer kimono so are made of thinner material and easier to move around in than kimono, which have more layers. You can often see people wearing them to the many summer festivals held across Japan. In the west, we use the word "kimono" for garments that are quite different to the traditional Japanese clothing, for example, it can be used to describe satin loungewear robes, or for long non-woollen cardigans. Madonna's famous kimono from her 1990s music video comes to mind as an example of a westernised kimono. If anything, yukata are more similar to some of the things that are called kimono in the west, as the word "yukata" literally translates to "bathing clothes" as they were originally worn as bathrobes for example at traditional bathhouses. Personally, I feel like the wider usage of the word "kimono" to describe vaguely kimono-like westernised robes has decreased recently, given that general consciousness of what an actual kimono is has increased.
Japanese manga and anime have become increasingly popular in the west, including in Britain, and many bookshops have a shelf dedicated to manga. Manga are essentially Japanese comic books, but since they have a distinctive style and are quite different to western comic books, we use the word manga to describe them. Anime are Japanese cartoons, and can be tv shows or films, often based on manga, and the Japanese word "anime" is from the English "animation", which became an English loanword used in Japanese. Now the shortening "anime", has come full circle and has become a Japanese loanword used in English! One of the new 23 words to be added to the Oxford English Dictionary is "mangaka", a writer and/or illustrator of manga.
Even British people who do not know much about Japan have almost definitely tried Japanese food, probably the most popular Japanese cultural export. We have therefore adopted food terms into the English language. The Japanese word "ramen" is actually a loanword from Chinese, as the dish has its origins in Chinese cuisine. The way we pronounce it in English comes from the Japanese word though, and most British people may not be aware of its Chinese origins and would probably assume ramen is of completely Japanese origin. I have a strong impression that this could be because Japan has more soft power in the west, with the pop culture movement "Cool Japan" gaining traction. As well as ramen, sushi is another very popular Japanese food, although it is often called "o-sushi" in Japanese, with the "o" being an honorific. Types of sushi, such as nigiri (raw fish on rice) and sashimi (raw fish with no rice) are also Japanese loanwords that we use in English, and if you went to a sushi restaurant you would probably see these words on the menu. As with many cuisines, when food from one country becomes popular overseas it may end up different to how it is in its country of origin, and sushi is no exception; a popular ingredient in sushi in the west is avocado, however I have never seen avocado sushi in Japan, and Japanese people often seem bemused by the idea of avocado sushi!
I won't be going over every Japanese cuisine-related word that has made its way into the English language, but some others that come to mind are "panko", "katsu", "onigiri" and "tonkotsu". Since Britain has a multicultural society, there are many people whose family is of east Asian origin, and people who themselves have moved to Britain from East Asia. As a result, it is very common to find east Asian supermarkets in British cities. However, these days, you can also find east Asian food and ingredients in general supermarkets too. Since katsu curry is so popular, I've seen panko breadcrumbs in the supermarket (these are used to make katsu). In Japanese "panko" literally means "bread powder" since "pan" is bread (loanword from the original French) and "ko" is flour/ powder/ dust. On the subject of katsu, it's a shortening of "katsuretsu" which is an English loanword that's come from "cutlet". Since "katsuretsu" is pretty different from the original English pronunciation, I hadn't noticed that it came from cutlet! As well as east Asian supermarkets, there are also many restaurants specialising in east Asian food in Britain, and this includes Japanese food. There are even 4 big Japanese chain restaurants in Britain, those being "Wagamama", "YO! Sushi", "Wasabi" and "Itsu". Regarding the meaning of the names, in Japanese "wagamama" means selfish, "wasabi" is a horseradish sauce often eaten with sushi, and "itsu" means when. In Japan, onigiri are found in every convenience store on every street, while in Britain they are rarer. "Wasabi", specialising in takeaway food, sells these rice balls covered in nori (seaweed).
Concerning drinks, Japanese rice wine, called sake in English is pretty well known. However, while "sake" is a Japanese word, in Japanese its meaning is different. In Japanese, "sake" or "o-sake" means alcohol, and so describes any alcoholic beverage such as beer or spirits. What we call sake in English, Japanese rice wine, is called "nihon-shu" in Japanese. "Nihon" means Japan, and "shu" uses the same kanji character as "sake", but read differently due to the context, so the literal translation would be "Japanese alcohol". So, if you visit Japan, don't just say "sake" to a bartender, as they won't know what drink you'd like!
We don't study Japanese history in the British school curriculum, so unless they are interested in Japanese history or do Japanese studies at university, the average British person may not know much about Japanese history. Despite this, some Japanese historical terms are more widely known in the UK, often because of TV programmes or films. The most known historical words are probably "samurai", "ninja" and "shogun". During Japan's feudal period, samurai were the highest ranking social class in Japan and were known for their military prowess and honour, serving the lord in their region as part of the military. Ninja were also around in Japan's feudal era, but were mercenaries who operated in secret. A shogun was a military ruler, the person at the head of the samurai class, and during periods of Japanese history where there was a military government, (most notably but not only the Edo period, 1603-1868) they ran the country. So, all three of these terms relate to the feudal and militaristic period in Japanese history (pre-modern period), as this is the most present in western pop culture. The word "katana" is also quite widely known in the west, and refers to a Japanese sword. "Geisha" is also a word that many British people will know, and geisha are traditional performing artists who are trained in various art styles, such as dancing, singing or playing traditional musical instruments. They may also carry out traditional tea ceremonies in tea houses and are skilled conversationalists, and the "gei" in geisha means art. They wear traditional kimono and have a characteristic make up style, with their faces painted with white powder. Depending on the region of Japan, the word used to describe geisha differs, and there are separate words for trainees, although "geisha" is the only word widely known in the west.
On the subject of traditional Japanese arts, many people in the west have become aware of Japanese poetry, particularly "haiku" poems. Haiku are short poems with three parts which consist of a 5, 7, 5 syllabary pattern, and while this is of course, not the only type of Japanese poem I would say it's the only one that's become widely known and emulated in the west, with people writing them in English. Japanese gardens are also popular (for example, in Britain Birmingham's botanical garden has a Japanese garden), and they use specific Japanese aesthetic ideals, making them beautifully unique. A garden-related Japanese word which is used in English is "bonsai", when referring to a "bonsai tree". These are miniature trees grown in pots, but the trees are not miniature by genetics, rather the gardener cultivates it in a way to keep it that size as a representation of nature but on a small scale. They are living art, and are difficult to grow and care for. For the last art-related term, "origami" is another well-known and often used loanword. Origami is the art of folding paper into decorative 3D shapes, and there is special origami paper sold here in Japan which is square-shaped and can have decorative patterns on it. From my observations while living in Japan it seems that most Japanese people can do origami, whereas I'm not sure the same can be said of most British people, although it has become popular in Britain recently as a wellness-related craft, and origami instruction books are available. While napkins folded into swans can be seen in Britain, in Japan paper cranes are the most commonly seen type of origami. In Japanese these are called "orizuru" as "ori" is folding while "zuru" is crane (the "gami" in "origami" means paper), and these origami cranes have become symbolic of hope and peace.
To conclude, when we discuss Japanese culture in English, using Japanese loanwords to do so is normal, which explains why as Japanese culture gets more popular in the west and spreads, more Japanese-origin words are added to English dictionaries. As well as the sort of terms mentioned throughout this most, we of course use Japanese brand names in English too. Notably, Japanese car manufacturers and technology companies are big in the west, and Toyota, Nissan and Yamaha come to mind as companies British people will definitely have heard of, and there's a Japanese car on every British road.
記事内容の出典・Sources for the content of this post
23個の元に日本語の語彙の英語辞典に追加についてのニュース記事(英語)News article about the addition of 23 Japanese words into the Oxford English Dictionary:https://www.theguardian.com/books/2024/mar/27/the-oxford-english-dictionarys-latest-update-adds-23-japanese-words
英語辞典に追加された23個の語彙のリスト(英語)A list of the 23 new Japanese words added to the dictionary:
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